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Two user journey's on the same prototype

Solved Victor C. Other Comments: 1 Reply 8 years ago by Danielle S.
1 vote

cursorX in simulation mode gives client coordinates

Solved Victor C. Other Comments: 1 Reply 8 years ago by Enrique C.
1 vote

Sharing the proto problems

Solved Victor C. Other Comments: 1 Reply 8 years ago by Enrique C.
1 vote

Error with "View on device" in 6.7

Solved Victor C. Other Comments: 2 Reply 9 years ago by Danielle S.
1 vote

I can't see what is inside my current row

Solved Victor C. Other Comments: 1 Reply 9 years ago by Enrique C.
1 vote

What's with the flashing?

Solved seb l. Other Comments: 5 Reply 9 years ago by Enrique C.
3 votes

Dead link in Knowledge Base Article

Solved Victor C. Other Comments: 2 Reply 9 years ago by Enrique C.
1 vote

issues with the iPad app

Solved Victor C. Other Comments: 2 Reply 9 years ago by Enrique C.
1 vote

Error working prototype for Android

Solved Victor C. Other Comments: 3 Reply 9 years ago by Enrique C.
1 vote