
Q&A Forums

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Scenarios: add keyboard shortcut for 'Create Transition'

Under Consideration Cameron G. Other Comments: 1 Reply 4 years ago by Danielle S.
1 vote
1 vote

Sitemap with actual screens

Completed Victor C. Other Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Danielle S.
2 votes

More shape options - elipse, triangle etc

Completed Victor C. Other Comments: 17 Reply 5 years ago by Danielle S.
13 votes

Can Justinmind import HTML?

Completed Victor C. Other Comments: 18 Reply 5 years ago by Victor C.
4 votes

New Alignment Type: Center Screen vert-horiz.

Completed Dr. S. Other Comments: 2 Reply 6 years ago by Victor C.
2 votes

Please update this site to sort search results by date, most recent first

Under Consideration eggroll Other Comments: 2 Reply 6 years ago by Sonia D.
2 votes

Search and replace option for text

Completed Victor C. Other Comments: 25 Reply 6 years ago by Sonia D.
10 votes

JIM chatroom.

Under Consideration roubirbis Other Comments: 1 Reply 6 years ago by Sonia D.
1 vote