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What is "user" for pricing purposes?

Answered Dharmesh Mistry 5 years ago

Do I need to pay for a seat for reviewers?

Also can I developer seat be shared between two designers if not used concurrently?

Replies (1)

Users are those who will use the Justinmind application to create and edit prototypes. You won't need to pay for a reviewer or a developer seat, and you can have as many reviewers and developers in your account as you'd like - so there's no need to use one developer account for multiple people.


By developer I mean someone that creates/edits prototypes. We have two people prototyping, one creative normally does the bulk of layout/design. The other is a BA who goes in to adjust the latters work. So there will only ever be one person using this at a time. So do I need one user licence or two?


You could use a one user license, but when switching between the users, you will need to remove one user and replace them with the other user in your online account. If your account will only have 1 total user in it, you will need to contact us, because that will involve changing the account owner. So we wouldn't recommend only having one user if you plan on switching the active user frequently.

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