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Searching across multiple DataMasters

Answered Josh2876 8 years ago

Hi. I want to display search results from multiple DataMasters, in one DataList, and then filter between those DataMasters by using on screen tabs. Is this possible and if so what would be the best approach in setting it up?

Replies (7)

Hi Josh,

Unfortunately this case is very complicated to accomplish and there isn't any specific way to obtain this . The workaround should be creating a filter into each data list in order to show a list of data of each data list. You will need to take into account that different data masters are not configured to be shown into the same data list so you should create new instances from all over this filtered elements.


Sonia Durán


So do you mean to create multiple Datalists on top of each other, with one set of iOS Tabs to effectively switch between ('filter') & search the different Datalists at any given time?

(maybe it would be possible to have JIM automatically re-enter the search term into the Search field when switching to the new tab)

Did I understand correctly?


Hi Josh,

Could you please elaborate more on what you need. If possible please provide an example so we can provide you the best solution to your inquiry.


Sonia Duran


Hi Sonia. I need to create a universal Search screen similar to the attached image. This screen will (seem to) render results from across multiple data sets. The different result types will be filterable using tabs at the top of the screen. These tabs will have 2 or 3 filtering layers to them.

For example;

-I search for the word "music" and the results show all People in music

-I can then tap on the "Jobs" tab which will show me all the Music related Jobs

-But, as when I tap on the "Jobs" tabs, the tab set changes to say, "Freelance | Short Term | Long Term", to allow me deeper filtering options within the Jobs category.

What would be the best way to create this?



Hi Josh,

You will need to follow this steps:

1. Drag a dynamic panel into the canvas and add 4 panels.

2. Create a data list for each category (People, Jobs, Companies, Groups)

3. Create an on change / set value event associated to each category data list with the following expression Filter (FT) ( Data master - Input text field at the top ).

Kindly let me know how it goes.


Sonia Durán


Thanks Sonia. How do I then filter each of those DataLists for the variables within the lists?

For example, when I click on the "Jobs" tab I want the existing tabs (Peoples, Jobs, Companies, Groups) to be replaced by 3 new tabs that say, "Freelance | Short Term | Long Term". Clicking on any of these new tabs will then filter the JOBS list to just show the available Freelance jobs, for instance.

Do I build all these different Tab layers in just one Dynamic Panel or do I need to use multiple Dynamic Panels?


Hi Josh,

You will need to drag a button instead of a tab. Then create a filter onto the data list, this tutorial should help to get some more ideas.



Sonia Durán

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