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Reactivating my account?

Answered Victor Conesa 9 years ago

I deactivated my account a while back and now want to reactivate it. When I register though, it gives me the message of "Your trial period is over or your user has no permissions". I understand the first part, but I don't get the 2nd part. Am I not allowed to subscribe to Justinmind again after deactivating it? (I understand all my previous data has been lost etc etc)


Replies (6)

Answered through customer support portal.


This is really messed up.

I have an account the trial period for which has ended. My company bought additional licenses, but I can't download JIM to activate, because I'm experiencing the same treatment as Eric did.

Problem is, I don't have a customer support account either, because I have never been a paying customer so far.

So what now? I'd really like to use my company account, so while re-registering with a different e-mail could be an option, I'd prefer not to.

I just can't get over the fact that you treat your past trial users in basically the same sense as yelling "and don't ever dare to come back!", even though I'm *supposed to* be able to download the free version even after the trial has ended, not to mention to activate a paid license.

Sorry for my tone but it's really an unexpected hassle I've never even seen before, and its especially weird from a company selling a product used in user experience design.

So, could you please allow me to log in again? Could you please make it easier for future users?

Thank you!

(edit: I should mention that my Justinmind's Community account is obviously not my company e-mail, but I'm happy to tell you it on a non-public channel)


Hi Daniel,

You can download JIM anytime from here: Justinmind.com/download

In order to be able to access your online account again, you will need to purchase a license or have the account owner from your company add you as a user on their online account.




Hi Danielle,

Thanks for your reply. I don't think you understand though.

- I'm glad there's an actually functional download link. It's inaccessible from the front page without logging in, by the way, but it works, thank you.

- After downloading, installing and trying to sign in into the app, it tells me that my password is incorrect, even though I'm 100% sure (like, password-manager sure) entered the correct password -- I checked on the website, and it's good, just deactivated. You really need to revisit your error handling and messages on the client.

- Not being able to log in, I activated my copy of JIM with the product key I got from my company in the help menu, expecting to be able to log in after that. I still can't log in, however.

What you need to understand, is that you can tell me to purchase a license all over and over again, but without logging in, it looks impossible. (Maybe you have a secret direct link to that too?) Because, even having a working product key doesn't allow me to "resurrect" my account, it seems. I have to say it again, deactivating trial account *this hard* is completely unheard of.

I really needed to start working today, so being tired of trying to use my company e-mail, I registered a new account with a throwaway free address. Presto, it works.

If you don't want to persist expired accounts, fine, but why don't you delete them completely then? Why don't you let me registrer a fresh account with my old address? As a protection against starting the trial over and over again, it obviously doesn't work, in a day and age where new e-mail accounts can be created under a minute. Why can't I use my old account then?

To make it clear, I don't need *help* now, I have activated my copy successfully (with a trash free address I might add!), but I wanted to share this with you nonetheless, as I think it hurts your paying, and would-be-paying customers the worst. I'm surprised you didn't think this through.


Hi Daniel,

We are sorry you are dissatisfied, but unfortunately I believe you have misunderstood our account policies.

We do not officially delete the account from our database after the trial expires so as to ensure that you can purchase the license through the same account again, which you can do by going to http://www.justinmind.com/pricing as well as to notify you that you are unable to access your account specifically because your trial has expired. Without notifying you of this message, it can become unclear why exactly you are unable to access your account anymore and why your data has been deleted.

Creating another trial account can create problems with syncing prototypes and making sure you're associated with the right account. We highly recommend being added as a user under the account owner, otherwise Teamwork functions will not be available.

We would really like to assist you with making sure your accounts are synced correctly. Please send an email to us with your license key and we will be glad to sort this out for you.




Hi Danielle,

Thanks for your reply – now I see that the root of the problem was my belief that the product key I got from the company should be tied to my account (that's what they told me actually – to log in and THEN activate the product from the help menu), while, in fact, it ties to the software installed on the computer. Indeed, creating a new account remained a trial account even after activating the product key.

I showed your responses to my collegue responsible for the company account, and he managed to add my old account to the team, as you suggested he should. Now I can log in again, can share prototypes with the team (we tried it to make sure it works), and the product seems to be activated successfully as well.

All in all, I truly appreciate your help! I still believe the main site itself could have been more helpful regarding the situation, and I still find your account policy a bit confusing (or at least, lacking explanation on the main site), but my account works now, and I'm really thankful for your help!

Best to you as well


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