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on Scroll - Event not working on iPhone

Known Michael Reuter 6 years ago


I'm using the "on Scroll"-Event in my Prototype to set the value of a variable to scrolling=1 (true). This should trigger other actions via the "on Variable Change"-Event.

This works fine, when I simulate on my PC, but doesn't work on the iPhone. What's goinig wrong?

Thank's for your help.

Best regards Michael

Replies (9)

Dear Michael,

Do you have an example (.vp file) of what you're describing so we can take a look and do some tests? You can attach it in a .rar format, or upload it to a file sharing service such as Dropbox, and attach the link to it here.



Thanks for your reply.

Here is a simple setup, that's showing the described behaviour.

Best regards Michael


Dear Michael,

Make sure the dynamic panel has a longer surface and it will work.

See the screenshot and the example attached.



Hi Sonia,

thanks for your help and replay.

I'm sorry, but that's not the same solution.

In your example you scroll the screen and not the panel in the dynamic panel. But I need to do that, because there are many other things going on on the screen, that should not be scrolled or scrolled independently. For example there is a list on the bottom of the screen, that can be scrolled and at the top a map, that can also be scrolled.

Best regards Michael


Hi Sonia,

I rebuild the whole screen with fixed panels in turn to make the "on scroll" event work (as you suggested).

I attached a new test project, so taht you can see, what's not working now. The PC simulation doesn't work properly with the scrolling map and on the iPhone you can't scroll the list any more.

best regards Michael


The Link to the new test project is: https://we.tl/YmsEPejcBl


In the simple phone prototype you attached above, try changing your event from "on Scroll" to "on Swipe Up" and then creating the same thing for "on Swipe Down". Without the additional panels that you need to either remain static or scroll independently, however, I can't be completely sure this accomplishes what you are looking for.


I implemented the scroll now the way it's intended by justinmind.

Everthing is working perfect on the PC during simulation.

The new problem is, that on mobile devices (android as well as iPhone) the sticky elements are now not really sticky any more.

They "wobble" around while scrolling. Please check the attached file. Is there a way to improve that?

best regards Michael


Dear Michael,

Unfortunately, the scroll behaviour depends completely on the browser or device used to visualize the prototype. However, what you want accomplish will be possible with a new feature related with pinned elements that will be available on our next release that will be launched aproximately in one month.


Sonia Durán

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