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Is looping supported now? I'm tired of using the page load trick!

Answered Victor Conesa 11 years ago

This seems like a functionality that should be added and needed. I would like it to integrate with the active panels to have looping images etc. while navigating the interface.

Replies (6)

I am not sure if this feature is included in the upcoming release. I will let you know when I hear back from our product manager.



Have you heard anything?


Unfortunately, I don't think the loop feature will be included in this upcoming release. You will have to wait a little longer. Sorry about that.


John, It has been at least two years since the topic was first brought up and nothing yet! I don't understand can we expedite this feature?


Solved - I think ...

Here's my loop scenario - screen has a set of circles that need to flash (like an alert). I tried the hide-pause-show-pause-reload trick but it seemed very bad. I also want to play an alarm beeping sound and dont want it to play over and over - so linking to same screen again wasn't a way for me.

Alright, I broke my head over this and solved it this way -

I added two input fields, made them completely transparent (no lines etc). Upon page load, I set focus on first text field. In the On-Focus-In event of textfield1, i hide the circles, pause and set focus on textfield2. In the On-Focus-In event of textfield2, I show the circles , pause and set focus on textfield1. And now I have a loop and my flashing circles forever without reloading the screen ! :)



NIce works great Tried it with an image flashing any luck on the audio.

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