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Is there a way to disable iOS behavior linking a clock to it's Calendar/Create Event functionality?

Known eggroll 7 years ago

We have a clock in our iPhone prototype. When we use the "Simulate" button and demo the prototype in a browser, no problem. But when we us the Justinmind mobile app and view the prototype on an iPhone, the clock type becomes blue (in our prototype it is set to white) and the clock becomes clickable. Clicking on it then brings up the Calendar/Create Event functionality of iOS.

This is not desirable in a demo of our prototype since one of the things that is part of the prototype is the clock that appears at the top of an iPhone, which I'm guessing wouldn't be uncommon in an iPhone prototype. And this clock, on an actual iPhone, wouldn't be blue or clickable. The blue is particularly problematic for us because the primary background of our prototype is a dark blue. Can this somehow be disabled?

Replies (2)

Dear Eggroll,

Can you provide any example so we can test your issue? You can attach any .vp file here using a .rar extension.


Sonia Durán


You can see this behavior in the tutorial I posted here:


In the tutorial, the clock digits are set to gray, but when you run the simulation in an iPhone (not in the browser), you will see the digits are blue and clickable, where clicking brings up the iOS "Create Event" functionality.

The prototype file is attached.


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