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iOS8 widget icons display as ? in simulate and HTML mode

Solved Victor Conesa 9 years ago

I've used icons from JIM iOS8 icons widget but they are displaying as question marks in both the simulate and html views. Why? How can I fix this?

I have a similar problem with the font I'm using, Univers, in that it is being replace with a generic serif font. Confusing given the promo for JIM said I could use any font in my font menu or the Google fonts. It's going to take me a long time to go through the proto and replace Univers with a Google font given I can't find a Search and Replace function. Is it true that only Google fonts work in the Simulate and HTML views?

Replies (9)

Hi Shaz,

Which browser are you using?

For the Univers fonts: Are these fonts also installed on your computer or any other external typography management tool?

Try uninstalling them from your computer's control panel or any other software, and also from Justinmind: Go to this folder in your file system: "[Justinmind's installation folder]/Justinmind prototyper 6.4.1/fonts" and erase all these font files. Then go to Prototyper and add again the desired font from from google fonts.




I have the same problem with all icons displaying as ? marks in simulate view. Any word on a fix?


I tried the fixes in Lidia's reply but none of them fixed the problem. I'm using Chrome and a PC laptop. Yesterday, I did a JIM test file on my new MacBook Pro and the font icons display correctly in simulate view on there. I exported the file to HTML (from my MacBook) and sent it other team members to test, and it's displaying correctly for everyone now.

I had been having other problems with my PC so I'm inclined to think that's where the fault was. But really, who knows?!


Hi Lidia - I spoke too soon. I have spent about 5 hours today trying to resolve another font issue in the file. After my issues with Univers, I replaced Universe with the 2 styles of Open Sans that appears in the font menu when you download the free version of JiM. (I have since bought a license.) The two styles are Light and Regular.

I added 2 more styles of Open Sans from Google fonts, saved and closed the file. When I reopened it and selected type, it shows the Google font icon next to Open Sans in the list (which it hadn't previously) but the style Regular or Light is grayed out. The same is true if I create a new text block and Select Open Sans.

I tried doing what you said in your first mail but that didn't fix the problem. I have uninstalled JustinMind and installed a new copy, which takes me back to square one with new files. But when I open the existing file it's the same as in the paragraph above.

Any ideas on what to do now? The proto is too far along to recreate.


Hi Lidia - update. I just tried (again) adding the Open Sans Google font to my file in JiM and 'Light' is the only one that doesn't appear in the list. (This happened earlier today as well.) Is that because of the 'Light' that comes with Open Sans when you download JiM?


Hi again - and then when I closed that file, I got a Problem Report for JIM Prototyper. JIM quit unexpectedly. This was happening fairly regularly before I reinstalled the program.


Hi all,

Could you send your exported html prototype where the ? marks are occuring together with the system specifications (OS, browser, version) to us so we can check what is wrong?

About the Open Sans Google Font, please make sure again it is totally uninstalled from the system or any other software that might be using them, also from justinmind installation folders and re-install the software and download the font again. If it does not work, please contact us so we can find a workaround to solve the issue.




Sent html and screen capture of ? bug. Notice in screen capture that icons that came with the sample prototype render correctly but the Facebook and Twitter widgets added above render as ? marks.

Cheers, John



Hi all,

We have detected the source of the issue, which appears to be a problem with permissions of the file JustinmindPrototyper.ini located on /Justinmind/Justinmind 6.4.1/

To solve the issue, you should change this file permissions so that you have permissions over it.

The cause of the problem appears to be that the first time the program was installed and opened, it was done by a person with higher permissions and that is why the file is only stored with admin permissions.

If this doesn't fix the problem, contact us to get further assistance



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