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How can we Hide/Show the guides?

Answered Victor Conesa 10 years ago

Is there any shortcut or action to hide/show the prototype guides? Thanks!

Best Answer

In the main menu bar, click on "View". You can then check which guides you would like to be used.


Replies (5)

In File->Preferences->User Interface you can show/hide rulers (which also affect guides) and resolution guides.

I hope it helps.


Thanks a lot! It does, but it was not easy to guess. :)


SUGGESTION: It would be very handy if there was a way to view/hide the rules and/or guides with a keyboard shortcut command. When I work in Illustrator I show/hide the grid and the guides all the time while i'm working. Having to go to File -> Preferences -> Show/hide -> Apply... every single time... is getting old really quick.


Another thing... the grid dots only appear behind the page content and can't have the color changed. It would be much better if it could appear behind OR in front and also be changed to any color. Designers like to turn these tools like the grid and the guides on and off at will while designing and sometimes we need an odd color ... if the dots are gray and the UI is gray the dots get eaten. In Illustrator, my grid is pink so it is set off really obviously from the other elements on the page


In the main menu bar, click on "View". You can then check which guides you would like to be used.


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