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Change z-index (order) of layer

Answered Victor Conesa 9 years ago

I have multiple layers which overlap to one degree or another. The simplest way to think about it is that onToggle a particular layer should be brought to front. I can't seem to find a way to do this.

Currently I am doing a convoluted: Add Event (hide) and Add Event (hide) ...

Sometimes I'm adding 5 and 6 hide/shows/move requests.

Replies (5)

Hello Mayo,

If you wish to have multiple layers with only a particular one visible, the show/hide action is the option needed to do so. Regardless of the trigger for the event, the corresponding layers will still need to use a hide event.




I have multiple onClicks (hotspots) which will reveal a div. These divs overlap each other. As of now the only way I see how to do this is to make numerous events each with it's own hide or show.

This is faster than having to write out the css and js, and more editable, but it's still quite time consuming.

Select this hotspot and Images A, B, C, D, E, F have to be hidden and Images B2 and C2 have to be shown.

Select this other hotspot and ...

This is very cumbersome and I'm looking for a more efficient way of solving the problem.


This isn't sufficient. The ideal would be in the Interactions > Change Style dialogue box to be able to have a checkbox allowing the user to change z-index.


[Order Date] (onClick reveals calendar)

[Due Date] (onClick reveals calendar)

[Commitment Date] (onClick reveals calendar)

There is information to the left and right. No matter how I organize my Outline Panel I have an overlap of layers.


Hello Mayo,

We thank you for bringing this to our attention. Our team is currently working very hard to improve the user experience and will be sure to keep this information in mind for future versions.

If you would like assistance implementing specific features, we would be more than happy to help. You will simply need to send your prototype file.



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