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Buggy image behavior on OS X 10.13.6

In Progress Pravda 5 years ago

I used to use Justin Mind to frame out complex web applications 4-5 years ago, I already deleted the old outdated version so I am not positive what it was. Frankly I was excited to see what the new platform had to offer.


After using it to wire out just one screen, I am now seriously doubting I will continue.

Images like the thumbs up icon and the user icon that are supplied by JustinMind by default keep disappearing and recoloring themselves. This is the 4th time it's happened. And, there is no undo. I just had a section title disappear as well and the only solution was to delete it and re-add a new text object and re-enter the text. Same solution for the little icons. Delete the ghost (empty selectable container_ and then add a new one.

This is for ONE SCREEN I am working on. The previous application I developed had 60+ screens and they seamlessly linked together with animations.

What the hell happened??

Replies (6)

And if this is a known issue - from two years ago and it still isn't fixed I think that tells me all I need to know. Sad to say though....


Thanks for letting us know about this. This behavior is really odd - can you take a screen recording of this happening so we can see the problem? You'll need to compress the recording to .zip/.rar format, or upload it to a file sharing service like Dropbox and link to it here.


Here's an example. You cannot see them, because they disappeared, but the thumbs up icons are all above the chat bubble icons below. Plus, the person icon discoloration is present. I had already re-added the label "Discussion" but it also disappeared.


I'm not gonna lie - I LOVED LOVED LOVED JustinMind several years ago and I paid for it over a year even though I only used it for 2 projects. But in it's current state it's not practical to use for me now.


It is random when it actually occurs, so taking a recording would be somewhat onerous for me.


Can you attach the .vp file here? We would really like to see a way to reproduce and fix this.

Also, what version of Justinmind are you using?


I cannot share the full interface because it's for a proprietary product I'm under NDA for... All I did was start prototyping a single page app in this case.



  • Screen
  • Image
  • Text
  • Paragraph
  • Rectangle
  • Search-input

No correlation to object being put into rectangles or not, they disappear either way.

I fortunately just found an old version of JustinMind 6.1.1 on my Windows partition of Parallels so I am going to use that for now.


Were the images in masters? Are the images disappearing on the Canvas during editing and simulation, or is it one or the other?


All images are defaults in JustinMind: the User and Like icons are the ones that kept messing up. The Bubble dialog was fine - oddly never had any issues. Once one of the "Like" icons disappeared, they all go. After this, there is just a selectable outline that you can interact with, but the image cannot be recovered except by re-adding it. To each instance. Like, User and Bubble are all used multiple times.


Thank you so much for this info - we were able to reproduce this. I've sent this to our team and we'll fix this very soon.


Excellent!! My modest fee for bug reporting and fixing is a simple software license to JustinMind 6.1.1! lol Truly though, is there any way to get licenses for older versions anymore?


You can try contacting our licensing team here and they can help you with that.


Thank you!

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