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Hiding/Showing group changes visibility of *everything* inside the group

Solved Dave 9 years ago

Clicking the "eyeball" to show or hide a group changes the "eyeball" setting of everything inside the group to match the group setting.

This must be a bug. It can't *possibly* be how you expected people to work.

I carefully set the visibility of a dozen inner components within a group to match their "hidden" status and to make the edit screen usable, and a single click on an parent group undoes all my work.

This is a bad user experience that makes me say unkind things about Justinmind.

Replies (4)

Hi Dave,

This is how it was thought to work but we are always glad to hear feedback from the users and we tend to listen to their opinion. I'll forward your request to the design team and we will let you know when this is introduced.




Thanks: I leave it to you to figure out the "how," but in the wonderful world of HTML and CSS, hiding the parent element hides all of its contents without having to modify properties of the inner elements.


Hello again,

In order to add a new feature to my prototype, I ended up having to hide a massively layered widget (a dynamic panel a complex tree of many groups, groups-within-groups, and so forth, many of which have as many as half their constituent widgets hidden so that they can be shown dynamically during simulation). When I un-hid the widget, as you can imagine, I discovered that I had about an hour's worth of highly fiddly work ahead of myself individually selecting and re-hiding the hidden items.

It would have been much, much easier if:

It was possible to select multiple items and hide them at once, ideally with a keyboard shortcut.

There was a keyboard shortcut for hiding. The documentation says that there is (see this help page on a system running Justinmind), but there isn't.

This reported issue had been acted on more than a year ago: When hiding any sort of container (a group, a dynamic panel, etc), the hide/show state of the contained items should not be changed. Sometimes, I like to keep items with "Hide Component" checked visible in the canvas while I'm working on a feature. I do not want to have to memorize and restore the visibility of every object in a prototype of potentially thousands of widgets: that's what computers are for.

Proposed solution: When hiding a container, just change the visibility for the container and hide id visually in the canvas. You can "disable" the visibility eyeballs for the widgets within the container to avoid confusion. The current implementation is very, very frustrating.

Thank you


Hi Dave,

Thank you so much for taking the time to report this. I have already transfered all your proposals to our development team.


Sonia Durán

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