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Application switching issues with automatic engagement of selection lasso

Solved David Resnick 8 years ago

When I click off Justinmind to another application (on Mac OS X 10.10.5) and then click back to Justinmind, I am not immediately able to use Justinmind. A rectangular selection lasso is engaged and I have to click on an empty space within the canvas to disengage it. If I click on an object in the canvas, or on a different screen in the screen selection pane, Justinmind behaves strangely.

Replies (2)

Hi David,

Sorry for our late response. We're sorry that you're encountering this. In order to assist you, can you describe what's happening in more detail? Do you see an error message? If possible, could you please provide a video capture or some screenshots. ?


Sonia Durán


Here is a screen video capture.


You can see that I switch applications to Slack, then switch back to Justinmind, and when I do that switch back to Justinmind the lasso selection is automatically engaged. Then I have to click in the empty canvas in order to disengage it.

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