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Simulations are horrible, Pixel measurements are arbitrary. Program sucks in general.

Archived Jpoulis 7 months ago

Error have a input field with a couple text boxes above and bellow with a circle error icon that shows up when the field isn't entered all in a group. changing the width of any of the text or input field is fine until you move the group. then the size shrinks but it is still listed as 240. if you change the size by dragging it you can see that ohh its a lot smaller than 240. you drag it back to being 240 guess what happens after you leave it there a moment or try and move something like to center it after changing its size??? It shrinks again!

Another error is when I launch the simulation on my phone after

1) i have saved the current version of the project to the cloud and

2) the phone has recognised the update and downloaded it

it still doesnt show the changed. OR get this has a missmatch of changes OR the changes dont even reflect anything I've done and boxes that are static and pinned to the exact same location get this.... are in different locations!

Additionally all your tutorials are old so if there is something obvious I'm missing that's just your fault, your website also sucks go figure, when I try run the simulation on my phone that was perfectly happy with the manual screen size i had set up before now it was all screwed up ruining my assignment because I really wanted to get footage of people using the UI I made. whoever has to answer this don't bother this isn't your fault but this company sucks big time.

Replies (1)

Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention. We apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced.

Regarding the first issue you mentioned about the size of the input field and text boxes, we will investigate this behavior further since we cannot reproduce it, perhaps you could upload a video of the error.

Regarding the second issue with the simulation not reflecting the changes you made and poor placement of static elements, we would appreciate it if you could provide us with more information, such as screenshots or specific steps to reproduce the issue. This will help us better understand the situation and provide you with appropriate guidance.

Thank you.

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