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DataMaster is not showing Images uploaded by File Upload Input

Known jolly thakkar 6 years ago

I have One field of Image in my data master. I have set it's field value to File Upload.But when i browse any image..it's not showing actual Image instead of image it's showing some text !!..

I don't know whether the problem is in image format or what?

Replies (1)

Dear Jolly,

Unfortunately, I can't reproduce your issue. If possible, can you create a video capture so I can see what might be happening?



PFA for sample demo application.

In this demo, I have added below details.

1. Insert Item Id and item Name

2. Browse an Image

3. AddItem Button

I need to fill DataList control when user clicks on AddItem with all information filled including image.

I am able to fill Item Id and Item Name in DataList control but not the image. So can you please suggest to fix the issue ?


Dear Jolly,

You may recreate a browsing action by using JustInMind's 'File Upload' widget. However, you will not be able to set the file path chosen to the DataList, as this is simply meant for a 'browser' simulation.


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