

How to Uninstall Justinmind


Windows XP*

To uninstall Justinmind on Windows XP, first ensure that Justinmind is closed. Once closed, go to your Start Menu and then Control Panel. In the Control Panel, select the option to Add or Remove Programs; the window that appears may take a moment to populate with a list of installed applications. Once the list populates, locate Justinmind in the list of installed applications and click the Remove button. Alternatively, you can right-click on Justinmind and choose Remove.

Please note that during the uninstall process you will be prompted to keep or delete your library; if you choose to delete the library any items you may have added to the library will be removed.

Windows Vista*/Windows 7

To uninstall Justinmind on Windows Vista or Windows 7, first ensure that Justinmind is closed. Once closed, go to your Start Menu and then Control Panel. In the Control Panel, select the option to Uninstall a program (located under the Programs category); the window that appears may take a moment to populate with a list of installed applications. Once the list populates, locate Justinmind in the list of installed applications, right-click on Justinmind and choose Remove.

Please note that during the uninstall process you will be prompted to keep or delete your library; if you choose to delete the library any items you may have added to the library will be removed.

Windows 8/Windows 8.1

To uninstall Justinmind on Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, first ensure that Justinmind is closed. Once closed, go to your Start Menu (Windows Tiles in the Modern UI) ,locate the Justinmind and right-click on the icon; along the bottom of the Start Menu tiles you will see “Uninstall.”

When you click on this option you will be brought to a new window that may take a moment to populate with a list of installed applications. Once the list populates, locate Justinmind in the list of installed applications,right-click on Justinmind and choose Remove.

Please note that during the uninstall process you will be prompted to keep or delete your library; if you choose to delete the library any items you may have added to the library will be removed.

Windows 10

To uninstall Justinmind on Windows 10, first ensure that Justinmind is closed. Once closed, go to your Start Menu and click on the Settings’ button which will open Settings’ dialog. Click on ‘Apps’ option and then click on ‘Apps & Features’. When you click on this option it will show a list of all installed applications, which may take a moment to populate. Once the list populates, locate Justinmind in the list of installed applications, right-click on Justinmind and choose Uninstall.

Please note that during the uninstall process you will be prompted to keep or delete your library; if you choose to delete the library any items you may have added to the library will be removed.

*With Microsoft’s announcement, that they would no longer be offering support for Windows XP, we made the decision to only support Windows 7 and higher versions on all future releases of Justinmind.


To uninstall Justinmind for Mac, first ensure that Justinmind is not running. Once you are sure the application is not running go to your Applications folder (Command+Shift+A) and locate the Justinmind for Mac icon. Click-and-drag the icon to your Trash bin and then Empty the trash. This will remove Justinmind for Mac from the computer.