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How do I reload a data grid with conditions and actions without reloading the entire screen?

Need Answer eggroll 6 years ago

tldr; How do I reload a data grid with conditions and actions attached to the reloading event (whatever that event turns out to be) in the same way a data grid is loaded when conditions and actions are attached to the "on Page Load" event?

Let's say I have a prototype with a data grid and one of the fields in each record of the data grid is represented by a check box. When the page loads, some of the checkboxes will be checked, others will not, depending upon the value of the field associated with the checkbox for that record in the data master. Additionally, whether or not the checkbox of a particular record is checked determines if other fields in the record are visible or hidden.

This is accomplished with conditions and actions attached to the "on Page Load" event. This all works great.

Now, let's say, with the page loaded, I check the checkbox for one of the records that was previously unchecked. This is event should trigger the showing or hiding of other fields in the record.

This, too, is accomplished with conditions and actions, this time attached to the "on Tap" (mobile) event, including an action that writes the new value for the field associated with the checkbox to the record in the data master. This also works great.

The problem I'm having is, if I then click a button in my UI that is intended to filter the data grid, the data does filter as desired, but the filtered data does not have the proper fields hidden or shown for the record above where I checked the checkbox that was previous unchecked. Basically, I cannot figure out how to filter the data and reload the data grid in a way that applies the same conditions and actions from "on Page Load" so that the proper fields are hidden or shown.

I have tried "on Data Change" and I have tried setting a variable whenever the data is filtered and using "on Variable Change". None of them, at least in the ways I've implemented them, renders the proper result. Any suggestions on how I might achieve this?


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