Want to know what the best web development blogs to follow are? Discover our list of the top 20 blogs to help you brush up on your coding and developer tool skills.
Are you a professional web developer or a newbie? Did you go to a coding school, or are you self-taught? Whatever your case may be, unfortunately, you’re not done learning – nor will you ever be!
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The rewarding field of web development comes with many perks, but it’s one of those jobs that require habitual learning and self-improvement. With the sheer amount of programming languages in use, staying ahead in your career can be tough. It’s also a field that’s constantly changing. Whether the industry calls for new standards or an important development tool gets an update, you need to be aware of the changes.
In this post, we’ve rounded up a list of 20 of the best web development blogs to bookmark in your browser. Our list includes web development blogs brimming with coding tutorials and examples that are suitable for front-end, back-end and full-stack developers. This list is also for the designers looking ito brush up on their development skills – it’s bound to boost your skills when it comes to your favorite prototyping tool.
We’ve also included some that deal with general themes in the industry, as well as how to tackle the difficulties that developers face everyday. Read on, you will!
If you’re in the web development business, you can take it that you’ll never be done learning. In fact, even the best around admit that there’s always something new to learn. Sounds daunting, right? That doesn’t have to be so.
Due to the nature of a web developer’s job, it pays to stay on top of all the latest trends and developments (no pun intended!) in the industry. An easy way to do this is to follow web development blogs. Blogs are especially helpful if you’re freelancing it, to ensure the services you offer your clients are continuously based on the latest solutions on the market.
It’s also a great idea to see how other professionals dealt with similar challenges that you may face in your career. After all, what’s better than learning from others who’ve “been there and got the t-shirt”?
Furthermore, being a developer isn’t just about knowing how to code – it’s about knowing how to use the tools of the trade, specifically developer tools. Reading tutorials and learning about all their different features could also help you get ahead in your career.
Lastly, web development is one of those disciplines that “where there’s a will, there’s a way” definitely rings true. It’s one of those areas where, if you’re willing to put in the work, the rest usually takes care of itself.
Whether you’re an experienced developer, or a newbie, there’s always something new to learn or practice. Among the best out there is David Walsh, who works for Mozilla. David places practice above theory in order of importance. He believes that developers should never fear experimentation and always be willing to dabble in unknown areas. He’s also a stern believer in the fail-fast Agile methodology. We’ve actually included his blog in the list below!
You can become more adventurous by reading up on all subject matters relating to the art of web development. And trust us when we say there’s plenty of free material on the web!
The question is where to start. The sheer variety of content out there can leave one feeling perplexed and nonplussed about where to start. Is it better to read blog posts? Is it better to follow blogs that offer more tutorials? Or more freebies? Is it better to watch and learn from videos?

Fear not. We’ve lined up this great list of web development blogs by some of the best in the industry. In the list, we’ll walk you through some of the content they have on offer to save you time and help you narrow down what you need. Sound good?
Then read on to discover 20 of the best web development blogs on the internet. Grow your skillbase, you will!
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Envato tuts is an educational web development blog that contains over 1,220 courses and tutorials along with over 170 ebooks that cover an extensive range of topics from coding and web design, to 3D design and motion graphics.

The “Guides” section on this web development blog provides plenty of in-depth content about API, accessibility coding, JavaScript, Python and many more. It also features many guides on other aspects of development, such as tools to help improve workflow.
Smashing Magazine is a well-known design and web development blog that contains regularly updated news and opinion content relating to website design, development and UX. They publish new posts everyday about the latest developments in the tech world, so it’s well worth bookmarking this one.

In terms of coding, you can find many posts relating to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, as well as general web design and developer tools. Their team boasts a host of experienced developers and designers who regularly share their expert knowledge.
SitePoint is great if you’re looking for a web development blog that focuses exclusively on development, programming languages and development tools. If you choose to follow this web development blog, you’ll be getting a report on a new topic of interest in the development world each month.

You can also subscribe to their daily email newsletters that revolve around the monthly feature topic. And if you’re looking for more than just reading materials, they offer stimulating ebooks, videos and courses for $9 a month.
If you’re looking for something that varies between being a web development blog but also offers general tech news or something a bit different, then it’s worth giving Hongkiat a try.
Here you’ll find everything to do with web development, from checkbox styling with CSS grids to HTML5 Semantics.

When you want a break from programming and want to try something different for a few minutes, you’ll also find posts about cryptocurrencies and how to restart iphones. If you’re in any way a techy person, you’ll be sure to find something of interest on this web development blog!
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If you want to learn about everything from cross-platform development to tools like Redux, CSS-Tricks has all the guides and tips you need to help you succeed in your career.
CSS-Tricks covers all the practical elements of a web developer’s job such as development tools, how to build accessibility features and more.

What we find particularly helpful about this web development blog is that it even includes an Almanac that acts as a reference guide to all the fundamental features of CSS.
Web Design Ledger is another example of a blog that combines a decent mix of web development and general design topics.
Along with providing tutorials and listicles of web development tools, they also post regular articles with news and tips about PHP, JavaScript, jQuery and Node JS.

They also provide more generalized reading, such as advice for how to create a website, common coding pitfalls (think rewriting code from scratch when it’s not necessary), and choosing a domain name.
A List Apart: as a web development blog, this one could really be considered as apart from the rest. They offer unique, original content and regularly post about everything to do with website design and development.
A List Apart covers a diverse range of topics from coding, content, design and even the business side of the tech and web development industry.

Additionally, they publish a lot of useful tips such as processing data with JavaScript, parsing HTML and even how to enhance website accessibility for screen readers.
Looking for a go-to repository of tutorials, quality original blog content and an extensive reference dictionary for CSS? Then look no further than Codrops!
This web development blog is a gem of original content about development. These folks provide inspiring prose on creative ways to tackle common coding problems in their “Playground” section. They also provide general web development news.

Furthermore, you’ll find a list of free resources such as plugins and other tutorial websites. You’ll particularly like this web development blog if you’re interested in reading up on CSS and Three Js.
David Walsh is a Javascript consultant who works for Mozilla and who hosts a widely known blog on everything about development and software engineering. Expect to find blog posts on a range of programming topics, such as HTML5, CSS, jQuery, PHP, JavaScript languages and many more.

David is generally known for his practice-makes-perfect approach when it comes to coding. He reflects this in his blog posts which are based on his practical experience in the industry. If you’re a programmer or software developer looking to get ahead in your career, David Walsh’s blog is definitely an interesting read.
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Simple programmer is a web development blog that looks at things from a slightly different angle. It’s an advice blog for full stack, front-end and back-end developers, as well as software engineers.

On this web development blog, you’ll find regular meditations on lesser touched-upon topics within the development world. They explore themes such as developer psychology, how to improve relationships in developer teams and how to punch above your weight in job applications.
This one’s definitely worth a place among your bookmarks. Think of it as a confidence booster and a friendly word in the ear.
If you’re a front-end developer with a burning desire to stay current on all the developments in the industry, then SpeckyBoy should definitely be in your list of bookmarks.
This web development blog has many useful tutorials and inspirational UI constructions revolving around CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript and WordPress themes.

An additional feature setting this web development blog apart from the others is that it includes a section specifically aimed at freelancers, such as effective time management, and how to negotiate payments.
Scotch.io is a web development blog that promises to keep everyone from beginners to seasoned developers entertained with its wide range of posts, courses and tutorials.
Scotch.io provide exhaustive material on JavaScript topics like React, Angular JS and Node, as well as Vue, Laravel, CSS, VS-code and Python. They also provide a list of free ebooks on 12 important Vue concepts and how to build out server-side apps with Node.

On top of that, this web development blog regularly updates its “News” section with all the latest trends and developments in the industry. What’s not to love?
Tutorialzine is a treasure trove of programming tutorials and resources. This web development blog is hosted by a community of developers determined to amass a library of free content to help developers around the world. Their regularly updated blog feeds through a wealth of articles on JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

You can also subscribe to their newsletter of 80,000+ subscribers, where they promise to bombard you with nothing but helpful and relevant news, code libraries and productivity tips once a week. You can also download their free ebook, jQuery Trickshots – 100 techniques.
CSS Author is a web development blog with plenty of freebies and stuff for front-end web developers. On their blog you’ll find plenty of resources such as icons, wallpapers and templates. You’ll find tutorials for everything from Bootstrap to PSD-HTML conversion.

You’ll also find a whole range of blog posts and tutorials on CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery and PHP., in addition to a host of free wordpress templates.
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Creative Bloq is a great resource if you’re looking for a collection of quirky, humorous and well-researched posts relating to everything from HTML and CSS frameworks to JavaScript.

They also publish material relating to the tech and design industries, in addition to posts about web and UX design. This web development blog provides a nice mix of coding and design-related topics.
Joel Spolsky is a software developer who works in New York. He was Trello’s co-founder and is the CEO of Stack Overflow. On his blog, Joel on Software, he provides some unique insights into problems that developers encounter everyday, from the point of view of an experienced programmer.

Joel lets his personality shine through in each of his blog posts, offering tips and examples from the day-to-day life of a programmer with a dose of humor and reality mixed in. If you’re looking for a bit of humor and something you can relate to as a developer, try out Joel’s web development blog.
Paul Irish is from Palo Alto and works as a front-end developer on the Google Chrome team. Having created tools that help improve developers’ workflows, his web development blog is particularly geared towards developer tools, and he provides lots of helpful advice around the topic.

He constantly updates the blog and writes about topics such as performing audits with Google Chrome Devtools. On this web development blog, you’ll also find posts about Chrome Canary, Node debugging, accessibility, semantics and a myriad of other topics.
OnextraPixel is a blog aimed at designers and developers. On their web development blog, you’ll discover a wide range of tips, tutorials, tools and resources. This blog is great if you want a thorough grounding in CSS.

Regarding CSS, they have posts on everything from CSS optimization for better page speed, CSS specificity, and even tips for Flexbox. You’ll also find recommendations for jQuery plugins, as well as useful resources for Sass.
Designmodo is another web development blog you should visit if you’re looking for inspiration, particularly in terms of newsletter design! They’ve got many examples and tutorials ranging from Bootstrap Carousels to thanksgiving email newsletters and wordpress.
In the editor’s picks section, you’ll find a list of some of the best content on this web development blog, such as the history of website building and static HTML templates.

Another thing that sets this web development blog apart from the others is a market place full of different products such as UI kits and illustrations, as well as a job board section where you’ll find offers for remote and full-time web development jobs.
Another web development blog for the front-end developers to bookmark is Design Shack. With plenty of material on website layout and graphic design, this web development blog will gift you with some much-needed visual inspiration for your work.

With news and developments about CSS, HTML, Javascript and PHP, this web development blog has everything you need to stay up-to-date with the latest in the front-end development world.
In this list, we went all out to try and include a good mix of web development blogs for developers in all areas and of all interests. Maybe you’re looking for some tips on the life and work of a successful web developer, or maybe you want to learn more about Angular JS.
Either way, you’ll need to determine which blogs are right for you to shortlist and to dedicate your precious downtime to. The benefits of spending some time following web development blogs include:
- Learning new coding languages
- Learning new developer tools
- Learning tricks to get ahead in the industry
Reading and following the most appropriate blogs is of the highest importance to get the maximum benefit out of any web development job.
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