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Google Roboto Font not working

Solved foglandia 5 years ago

I imported my Sketch file and all the text is messed up. This seems to be because your do not support key Google fonts including Roboto. I cannot remove Roboto from my PC, it's used pretty much everywhere. What is the fix? Here's hoping this is one as otherwise I'll have to find a different tool.

Best Answer

If you are having problems with the Roboto font, look for the Roboto font inside the Justinmind folder and install the one that comes with Justinmind. To do this:

On PC:

1. Navigate to this file path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Justinmind\Justinmind Prototyper [version]

2. Open 'Java'

3. Open 'Fonts'

4. Click on the Roboto fonts to install them.

On Mac:

1. Right-click on the Justinmind application

2. Click 'show package contents'

3. Open 'contents'

4. Open 'resources'

5. Open 'Java'

6. Open 'Fonts'

7. Click on the Roboto fonts to install them.

Replies (25)

Hi Loic,

Thank you for taking the time to report this. Our development team has been informed about this issue and will take into account for future updates.


Sonia Durán


Hi Gaurav,

The problem is probably that not all roboto font types have been downloaded and, as you have them installed on your computer, instead of using our regular Roboto font, it is using the system one and leads to errors.

What you can do is go to the font folder which is located inside Justinmind installation folder and examine if all roboto variants are there and, if not, delete all roboto fonts and download them again from the font dialog on Justinmind, and then all should appear.

Kindly let me know how it goes.


Sonia Durán


Any progress on this? We need to use Roboto in our prototypes and your version doesn't look right.


Dear Matt,

I'm happy to inform you that this issue will be solved on our next update.


Sonia Durán


So an update just came out and the Roboto rendering issue has not been fixed.

Please look at the attached image. You can see how Illustrator renders each heavier face in the family in a nice even fashion as you would expect. However, in JustinMind the Medium face renders as heavier than bold or black... the all-important hierarchy is rendered useless. Roboto is the primary font that our platform uses and "medium" is the primary thicker font face we use... except i have to use bold instead... and Medium is not useful at all. And using Bold in place of Medium means I cannot use Bold at all.

This is something that needs to be fixed.


Agreed. The characters look correct, but the weights are off.


+1. I'm not sure why Roboto is so messed up, since you can freely download it from Google Fonts, but it's going to be a very common need for anyone who designs Android apps or uses Material.


Hi all,

Thanks for letting us know you're seeing this error. We're working on fixing this right now, and I'll get back to you ASAP with more info.

Apologies for any inconvenience.




Hi all,

We're currently looking into this issue. For further investigation from our engineers we will need the following information:

1. Which OS are you using? And version?

2.Are you using any font manager?

3. If possible, can you try installing the Roboto font directly from Google and let me know how this works for you?

Thank you in advance.

Sonia Durán


Thanks for looking into this

Currently on

Lenovo Thinkpad

Windows 7 Enterprise - 64-bit

Service Pack 1

Intel i7

20 GB Ram

Not using a font manager.

Already had Roboto downloaded from Google but for the heck of it I uninstalled and reinstalled it and did the test in JIM and it still looks incorrect. I've attached a screenshot of what I was just seeing in the editor... which looks the same as the 1st one I attached. The weight hierarchy is incorrect and some of the weights also seem to be getting squashed downward somewhat... it's very obvious on Regular weight... all the o's look like circles instead of ovals.


Hi all,

For further investigation from our engineers we will need the following information:

1. Which OS are you using? And version?

2.Are you using any font manager?

3. If possible, can you try installing the Roboto font directly from Google and let me know how this works for you?

Thank you in advance.

Sonia Durán


this was an accidental comment... ignore. (but still keep trying to fIx roboto!) :-)


Currently on

Apple Macbook Pro

MacOs Sierra 10.12.5

No font manager.

I tried the same things as James-uninstalling and reinstalling.


I am having a similar issue using a new Google font which I downloaded with the new version of JIM. The font is downloaded however it isn't render in simulation mode or when using the app on the phone.

Apple Macbook Pro

MacOs Sierra 10.12.5

No font manager.

I tried the same things as James-uninstalling and reinstalling.


Dear Robert,

We have launched a new update 8.0.1 to solve the fonts issue. Can you try updating and let me know how it goes?


Sonia Durán


Dear Galin,

We're currently looking into this issue. For further investigation from our engineers we will need the following information:

1. Which OS are you using? And version?

2.Are you using any font manager?

3. As a workaround, can you try installing the Roboto font directly from Google and let me know how this works for you?

Thank you in advance.

Sonia Durán


Hi Sonia,

Thank you for investigating this problem.

I am currently using Windows 10 and I am not using any font manager (and never did). The font was installed on my computer when this problem occurs but I removed it and installed it again but no change on the issue.




An update just came and now the whole Roboto font family is not rendering correctly.


Can you try to uninstall the Roboto font from your computer? That should fix the issue.


Yes, I did that and now everything is fine. Thank you very much!


Good! Now, if you want to use Roboto in any other application than Justinmind, look for it inside the Justinmind folder and install the one that comes with Justinmind. That way you won't have any issues with the font again.


I installed Roboto from Justinmind folder and everything works perfect now - in the prototyper and in the other programs.

Thank you once again!


Great. We're glad to hear that! :)


So I saw that there was an update relating to Fonts.

It claimed to be a fix for the issue where characters were getting garbled in the editor.

I updated the editor and checked and now I'm not only having the issue where the Roboto weights are incorrect now I'm also seeing the garbled text that was supposedly fixed in 8.1

I've attached another image so you can see what I am seeing.


Dear James,

Can you try to uninstall the Roboto font from your computer? That should fix the issue.


Sonia Durán


Hi all,

We have launched a new version (8.0.1) to solve the fonts issue. To get the new update go to "Help" / "Check for updates".

Kindly let me know how it goes.



I just opened a prototype on my home laptop. It was at 8.0. It was able to display Roboto Light normally. Although I WAS still having the aforementioned font weights issue where Medium was heavier than bold I wasn't having a problem displaying the characters themselves.

So I just updated the prototype to 8.0.1 and now all the characters are garbled, just like on my work laptop (which also had no problem until I upgraded to 8.0.1 and now displays completely garbled characters in the editor as well)

I tried uninstalling Roboto, restarting my laptop, reinstalling Roboto, and reloading the prototype... still the same result.

In the editor the characters look like Gaelic when I'm typing and when not selected they just look all jumbled and overlapping.

In the simulation everything looks normal.

To recap:

2 laptops updated w 8.0.1

Both had Roboto uninstalled and reinstalled

Both are displaying incorrect font weights

Both are showing two different garbled character views in the editor.

Thanks for your continued investigation of this matter


Dear James,

Can you try uninstalling Roboto from your computer without reinstalling? Then restart Justinmind.

Let me know how this works for you.



Before I tell you if it works or not I'm going to tell you that it's not a viable solution either way.

You simply cannot tell users to NOT use a font on their computer in order that they CAN use it in your application.

I need this font to be available to Photoshop, Illustrator, Powerpoint, etc... if it's not installed on my computer I cannot use it in any other program.

So that said, when I remove Roboto from my pc it works normally in JustInMind. But ONLY in JustInMind.

So please do not resolve this or consider it fixed.

It's not.

I'm now going to reinstall Roboto so I can use it in all my other software and I'm going to await a real fix from you guys.


Look for the Roboto font inside the Justinmind folder and install the one that comes with Justinmind. After doing this, you shouldn't have any other issues with this font, and will be able to use it in any other application.


I'm happy to report that this worked great.

My other programs are happy with this version of Roboto and everything is looking good in JIM now, as well.


Ultimately... users shouldn't have to install a separate version of Roboto from the JustInMind folder.

But for now this worked really well and you can mark this issue as resolved.


I have the same font issue with Roboto, it doesn't display properly. I am using a macbook and I cannot find the folder of which you guys are talking about .

"Roboto font inside the Justinmind folder". Thanks


If you are having problems with the Roboto font, look for the Roboto font inside the Justinmind folder and install the one that comes with Justinmind. To do this:

On PC:

1. Navigate to this file path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Justinmind\Justinmind Prototyper [version]

2. Open 'Java'

3. Open 'Fonts'

4. Click on the Roboto fonts to install them.

On Mac:

1. Right-click on the Justinmind application

2. Click 'show package contents'

3. Open 'contents'

4. Open 'resources'

5. Open 'Java'

6. Open 'Fonts'

7. Click on the Roboto fonts to install them.


1. No java folder. Just C:\Program Files (x86)\Justinmind\Justinmind Prototyper [version] and Fonts folder.

2. Roboto fonts do not appear visible in my Windows font folder. This is apparently a known problem with no obvious solution in Windows 10. And I've tried a variety of approaches folks in Windows forums suggested. That means I cannot delete the old version and without doing this, adding your absurd "special" version of Roboto is not possible. i've now spent over an hour on this issue. 30 more minutes and I'll find another tool. This is absurd. Why can't you just use the standard Google font like every other tool. Roboto is the most used font on the planet for web and mobile dev.


Okay, the fonts render correctly simulation mode. But not in the editor. FWIW.

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