[main ] [2019-03-26 12:31:50] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START Justinmind Prototyper [main ] [2019-03-26 12:31:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - Xmx set to 1024m on /Applications/Justinmind.app/Contents/Resources/Java/../../MacOS/Justinmind.ini. Available memory: 17179869184 allocatable memory: 13743895280(80%) memory to allocate: 1073741824 [main ] [2019-03-26 12:31:51] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXIT Justinmind Prototyper [main ] [2019-03-26 12:31:53] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START Justinmind Prototyper [main ] [2019-03-26 12:31:54] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - EXIT Justinmind Prototyper [main ] [2019-03-26 12:31:55] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START Justinmind Prototyper [main ] [2019-03-26 12:33:20] INFO com.justinmind.prototyper - START Justinmind Prototyper