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designed by Justinmind
Try our improved system dolor sit amet, sapien etiam, nunc amet dolor ac odio mauris justo. Luctus arcu, urna praesent at id quisque ac. Arcu ma.
Personal data
Last Name *
First Name *
Birth date *
Please, indicate one adress at least
Private adress
Adress 1 *
Adress 2
City *
Country *
Postal Code *
Please, introduce a valid code
Company adress
Adress 1 *
Adress 2
City *
Country *
Postal Code *
Please, introduce a valid code
Contact information
Telephone *
E-mail *
Please, introduce a valid e-mail
Login information
Username *
Password (min. 6 characters) *
Re-enter password *
Password does not match
Password must have at least 6 chars.
Driver's license
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien etiam, nunc amet dolor ac odio mauris justo. Luctus arcu, urna praesent at id quisque ac.
sapien etiam, nunc amet dolor ac odio mauris justo. Luctus arcu, urna praesent at id.
License number *
Issuing country *
The information provided contains some errors. Please check the boxes marked in yellow.
Continue >>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien etiam, nunc amet dolor ac odio mauris justo. Luctus arcu, urna praesent at id quisque ac. Arcu massa vestibulum malesuada, integer vivamus elit eu mauris eu, cum eros quis aliquam nisl wisi.

Nulla wisi laoreet suspendisse hendrerit facilisi, mi mattis pariatur adipiscing aliquam pharetra eget. Aenean urna ipsum donec tellus tincidunt, quam curabitur metus, pretium purus facilisis enim id, integer eleifend vitae volutpat consequat per leo.
Lorem ipsum
Sign up if you don't have an account yet...sapien etiam, nunc amet dolor ac odio mauris justo. Luctus arcu, urna praesent at id quisque ac., nunc amet dolor ac odio mauris justo. Luctus arcu, urna praesent at id quisque ac. Arcu massa vestibulum malesuada, integer vivamus elit eu mauris.
You can have access to this page through the "Register" link located inside the login boxes when you are not logged in yet.
It enables you to create a new user account with some personal information attached. This account can be used later to log into the system as a client (never as an administrator).

All the fields marked with a red * are required, hence you have to fill them all in order to finish the registration process successfully.

All the form errors will be shown and the incorrect fields will be coloured yellow once you press "
Continue". When you edit  the incorrect fields they will switch their color to white again.

Some other fields has extra restricctions explained below:
Here you can introduce two different adresses: one private and one company adress. Not both of them need to be filled but at least one is required. Remember if you check any adress's checkbox then you cannot leave it empty.
If none of the adresses' checkbox is checked, a message indicating so will be shown.
Personal data
An extra restriction was defined for "Postal Code" field. This field only accepts correct postal codes satisfying the following regular expression: (?:NL[- ]\d{4} [A-Z][A-Z]|(?:[A-Z]{1,2}[- ])?\d{2,3}(?:\d\d?| \d\d|\d-\d{3}))
The link "Privacy" takes you to a pop-up window where the privacy policy used is explained.
Here the e-mail is also checked using a regular expression. If the e-mail introduced does not satisfy the regular expression defined, then it is not valid and an error message will be shown.
Contact information
In this section you can define the information which will be used for the login. The password information will have to be introduced twice for security. You have two more restrictions here: firstly, the password have a minimum of 6 characters in length. On the other hand, the two passwords introduced must match in every character. If any of these restrictions is not satisfied the corresponding error message will be shown.
Login information
Use the "Continue" button to finish the registration process. If there are no form errors a client account will be created.